As you browse around Shoplook, you may notice different creators have different status levels displayed on their profile.
Status levels represents the users achievements on Shoplook. When a creator achieves a higher status level, it is a representation on the quality of their work and overall participation in the community.
The following are the status levels users can achieve (starting from the lowest to the highest)
1. Trendspotter (when you are just starting out)
2. Designer
3. Stylist
4. Influencer
5. Trendsetter (the highest level and most challenging)
You can earn points towards the next achievement level by creating outfits and participating in the community. For example, the more times you like other creator designs, the more points you earn towards your own achievement. It gives to give! <3
For our iOS user, easily see what level you are at and how many points you need to achieve the next level by tapping anywhere on the status area of your dashboard:
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